A Provençal Vegetable Tian (Tian de Légumes Provençal) is such a simple yet delicious way to shake up your weekly meals, especially if you’re looking for a fresh way to enjoy some of your more basic vegetables—zucchini, tomatoes, and eggplant. This classic French vegetable dish is easy to prepare and incredibly flavorful. The only caveat […]
All the things you want to know about slow and conscious living and how to embrace a holistic lifestyle.
Your clothes don’t fit anymore, or maybe they’re outdated but still in good condition. What should you do with them? Let’s explore.
All the things you want to know about slow and conscious living and how to embrace a holistic lifestyle.
The Benefits of a Doula & Why I Think Every Pregnant Person Should Have Access to One Did you know that women supported by a doula during childbirth are less likely to need pain medications or require a c-section? LISTEN ON: APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | AMAZON MUSIC Ever wondered what the benefits of hiring a doula are? If so, […]
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4 Things Every Woman Struggling with Endometriosis Should Know Struggling with endometriosis? You’re not alone. 🙁 Unfortunately, about one in every ten women, if not more, is struggling with this complex and, at times, painfully debilitating inflammatory disease. Personally, I have had so many questions when it comes to this enigmatic disease. What is endometriosis? […]
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How to Introduce Solid Foods to Your Baby As a first time mom and – let’s be honest – an over thinker, I wanted a step-by-step guide to help me understand how to introduce solid foods to my baby. What foods should I start with, how many servings, could I add spices, what about allergens, […]
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Redefining ‘balance’ in motherhood & why self care isn’t selfish Ok, I know what you’re thinking: “Ugh! Balance…Here we go again.” Me too friend, me too! I’ve never believed in this idea of finding ‘balance.’ What does it even mean? The idea that we can and must “find balance” makes no sense to me. LISTEN […]
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4 Ways You Can Benefit From Pelvic Floor Therapy Are you peeing your pants when you sneeze? Is intercourse painful? Do you suffer from constipation? If you’ve answered yes to any or all of these symptoms, you could be suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction. To be completely transparent, I knew close to nothing about my […]
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Embrace the briny lure of the ocean with this elegantly simple baked oysters recipe, a quick journey to culinary sophistication that requires less than 20 minutes of your time. This dish calls for sustainably harvested whole oysters, a spritz of lemon, a hint of garlic, a whisper of Herbes de Provence, and a final flourish […]
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Baked Gnocchi with Tomatoes And Basil If you’re anything like me, Friday night rolls around and you’re beat. But, nevertheless that age old question ‘what’s for dinner?’ is and always will be, lurking in the back of your brain. By the time you get around to dinner time you’re too tired to cook, too lazy […]
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I love this sweet potato bowl for it’s unique blend of toasted millet and Brussel sprouts salad. Paired with ground turkey and topped with sunflower seeds and dried dates this little veggie bowl is packed with flavor, texture, and so deliciously nourishing. If you’re someone who loves a good meal prepping session, then this is […]
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Ever have that moment while you’re brushing your teeth when you think: “Lord Almighty! There is so much plastic in my bathroom! It’s time to make some zero waste bathroom swaps and maybe invest in some eco-friendly products.” No. Just me? My guess, if you’re reading this, is that you know exactly what I am […]
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Can we talk about liver? Ugh. The worst, right?! Just thinking of the word liver (aka organ meats) kinda makes me want to gag. But, the reality is, if I were to pick one food that was actually a “superfood,” it would be liver. Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods available to us. […]
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How to Make Your Laundry Routine More Eco-Friendly Laundry is not my favorite chore. In case you were wondering, I am more of a vacuuming kinda gal. Anyone else? But, alas, there’s just no way to avoid laundry — we all need clean clothes. And while I don’t love this part of my week, I […]
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Many of us are great at creating goals—New Year’s resolutions anyone? And yet, when it comes to actually doing the work – the work needed to help us get closer to our goals – we often fall flat on our faces. Why is that? Why do so many of us struggle to follow through with our […]
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