
Social Entrepreneurship

Katie Patrick, “How To Save The World”

March 5, 2020

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Katie Patrick How to Save The World

Katie Patrick

Katie Patrick,
How To Save The World, Author

The planet needs your ideas, your enthusiasm, your dreams, your vision, and your creativity.
Katie Patrick

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Katie Patrick: Environmental Engineer + Author + Designer

‘How To Save The World’ with Katie Patrick, Founder of Hello World Labs & Urban Canopy

Katie Patrick is an amazing woman.

Q & A with Katie Patrick, How To Save The World

1. City of residence: San Francisco, California

2. Place of birth: Chicago, Illinois

3. In under five sentences, define your business:
I’m an environmental engineer and “Fitbit for the Planet” designer. As the founder of Hello World Labs, I work on solving big environmental and social issues using data, behavioral psychology and game design techniques. I recently published a book called “How to Save the World — How to Make Changing the World the Greatest Game We’ve Ever Played” that was ranked by Forbes as one of the top 5 books in social entrepreneurship.

I focus on creating designs and concepts that sharply tap into people’s motivational core. I help businesses and individuals use these design and behavioral principles to unleash great innovations, inspiration and creativity, so they can experience the joy of implementing a project that really does change the world.

I am also the founder of Urban Canopy in San Francisco — a startup that is creating high definition thermal maps of urban heat islands to empower people to create more urban greening and cooling projects.

5. What is one of the most important things we can do to help change the world?
I think one of the most important things we need to do to change the world, is exercise our imagination. Doom-thinking about the planet isn’t helpful and it’s boring – really boring. Seriously. The planet needs your ideas, your enthusiasm, your dreams, your vision, and your creativity. What new ideas are you going to put into the world this year that will make the world better for everyone? What gifts can you harvest from your imagination?

6. If you could share just one piece of wisdom with the world, what would it be?
Invest in your creative genius zone daily.

7. What book(s) are you currently reading? A New Earth by Elkhart Tolle but I prefer papers to books

8. What is one random fact that most people don’t know about you? I am a mom to the most incredible little girl, Anastasia.


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