
The Wise Consumer

How To Set Your Eco-Friendly Goals

March 10, 2020

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I'm Madeleine!

I’m the girlfriend you text when you’re scratching your head reading labels in the grocery store, the confidante you blurt your “I can’t tell anyone else!” bathroom shenanigans to and the handy science nerd who comes through with the best cost-cutting, time-saving health tips you don’t know how you ever lived without.


How To Set Your Eco-Friendly Goals

Mad & Max (try) to save the world! A mini-podcast series where Madeleine and Maxime chat about eco-friendly living: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Mad & Max (try) to save the world! A mini-podcast series where Madeleine and Maxime chat about eco-friendly living: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

In today’s episode Madeleine, of The Wise Consumer, and Maxime, of OurGoodBrands, will share not only the challenges they’ve faced when it comes to living a sustainable lifestyle but will also chat about their own personal eco-friendly goals for 2020.

This is one of the first conversations between Madeleine Wisecup and Maxime Ducker, in which they explore all things related to living a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. While both Madeleine and Maxime have come a long way in their eco-friendly journey and are passionate about sharing their lessons learned, tips, and favorite planet-friendly brands with their communities, the truth is they too face some personal eco challenges. But, that’s life, isn’t it?

Madeleine and Maxime are about to get REAL real with each other/you about a variety of topics ranging from zero-waste periods to how to live a more conscious and eco-friendly lifestyle when you’ve got a million other things you’re trying to tackle in your busy days. Being human is hard and they’ll be the first to admit they’re zero-waste journey hasn’t been perfect

Such a fun conversation. Happy listening!

The Wise Consumer

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