

Kenny Broad on Deep Sea Cave Diving and Plastic Pollution

September 29, 2018

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Virtual Wonders Kenny Broad
Kenny Broad
Virtual Wonders, Chief Exploration Officer

Kenny Broad, National Geographic Explorer & Chief Exploration Officer, Virtual Wonders

“We will be a kilometer back in the cave and the walls will have those little thank you bags. You know the ones you get at the grocery stores, those little white ones? They’ll be stuck to the walls floating in the current.

Q& A: Kenny Broad

1. City of residence: Miami, FL

2. Place of birth: Los Angeles, CA

3. In under five sentences, define your business:
We capture ultra high resolution imagery for a range of educational, scientific, and commercial uses. A central goal is to democratize exploration by syndicating immersive cross-platform experiences from the most iconic cultural sites and wildlife landscapes on the planet, creating a high end boutique library of “must have” 3D spatial data for VR, AR, mobile platforms, console games, film, 3D printing, education and science. Training in use of available technology is done with local site managers and scientists and profits are shared with on the ground partners who are working on studying, managing, and preserving these unique places.

4. What is the best part about your job and the work you’ve done over the years? Why?
Selfishly, it’s getting to experience these sites in person and having access to many areas not open to ‘the public’. More gratifying is getting to know and work with the locals in these diverse places and learn their perspectives on the challenges we all share.

5. What book(s) are you currently reading? Slow Violence and Environmentalism of the Poor by Rob Nixon

6. Quote you (try to) live by? Drive Fast and Take Chances

7. Using one word, how would you describe yourself? Curiologist

8. What is one random fact that most people don’t know about you? I prefer being naked whenever possible.

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