

Elizabeth Joy, Conscious Life & Style

November 5, 2018

How & Where to donate your used clothes

Seaweed Health Benefits

15+ Non-Toxic Sunscreen Brands

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I'm Madeleine!

I’m the girlfriend you text when you’re scratching your head reading labels in the grocery store, the confidante you blurt your “I can’t tell anyone else!” bathroom shenanigans to and the handy science nerd who comes through with the best cost-cutting, time-saving health tips you don’t know how you ever lived without.



Ethical Fashion

Elizabeth Joy
Founder of Conscious Life & Style 



Elizabeth Joy, Conscious Life and Style blogger, on ethical fashion, how to become a more sustainable consumer without breaking the bank, and the importance of conscious consumerism

“Shopping ethically and sustainably is not always the easiest, nor the most accessible or affordable option…but, you know, no one is expecting anyone to be perfect, we’re all learning here. The brands are learning, the consumers are learning. Anyone who says they’re perfect is obviously lying.

Q & A with Elizabeth Joy:

1. City of residence: Chicago area

2. Place of Birth: Chicago area

3. In under 5 sentences, define what your blog is about.
Conscious Life & Style is a blog all about sharing accessible ways to live more… well, consciously! The blog is centered around three main topics: ethical fashion, eco living, and responsible travel. Within ethical fashion, there are a lot of curated ethical brand guides in various categories and interviews with brand founders. Under the topic of eco living there are tips such as simple ways to reduce plastic use and under responsible travel, there are minimalist packing ideas and conscious city guides.

4. What has been your favorite part about launching the blog.
My favorite part has been the connections I’ve made through this platform—talking with other conscious creatives, engaging with my audience, and helping brands spread their message has been so fulfilling.

5. List 5 of your favorite ethical/sustainable fashion brands
This is a tough one! There are SO many ethical brands I love… I have over 200 of them in my Ethical Brand List, but here are some of my favorites:

  • Reformation (flirty, fun clothing)
  • Amour Vert (beautiful feminine pieces)
  • People Tree – (good variety of basics and colorful, printed pieces)
  • Vetta (minimalist capsule collections)
  • ThredUP – (not a brand, but my favorite spot to buy secondhand clothes!)

6. What book(s) are you currently reading?
Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein. (Highly recommended!)

7. Quote you (try to) live by?
“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” – Angela Davis

8. Using one word, how would you describe yourself?

9. What is one random fact that most people don’t know about you?
I danced for 16 years and wanted to pursue dance as my career—I actually was a dance major my first semester of college!

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