
The Wise Consumer

Dan Demsky, Unbound Merino Wool

October 8, 2020

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I'm Madeleine!

I’m the girlfriend you text when you’re scratching your head reading labels in the grocery store, the confidante you blurt your “I can’t tell anyone else!” bathroom shenanigans to and the handy science nerd who comes through with the best cost-cutting, time-saving health tips you don’t know how you ever lived without.

Unbound Merino Dan Demsky

Dan Demsky,
Unbound Merino, Co-Founder

True or false: You never need to wash merino wool?

Meet Dan Demsky, the co-founder of Unbound Merino, an ethical and sustainable men’s clothing line that utilizes “nature’s miracle fiber” — merino wool.  In today’s episode Dan and I chat about: How someone who had absolutely no passion or interest in fashion launched a clothing label.

Q & A with Dan

1. City of residence: Toronto, Canada

2. Place of birth: Toronto, Canada

3. In under five sentences, define your business: In a world dominated by fast-fashion, we’ve slowed things down. We produce timeless, versatile pieces that have you looking great in any situation and can be worn for weeks on end without needing a wash. Unbound Merino will declutter your life, allow you to travel lighter than ever, and focus on the things that actually matter. Behind every simple piece we create there are three extraordinary benefits – Simplicity, Versatility and Performance.

4. What social or environmental impact is your business making? We use 100% Merino wool. A natural fibre. Totally biodegradable, sustainable and ethical (mulesing-free). We are the antithesis of fast fashion, something we feel puts more strain on the planet than clothing should ever have.

5. Out of all the products you produce, which is your favorite? Why? Black crew neck t-shirt. The whole reason we started the company was to make the worlds best regular black tee. And I think we did.

6. If you could share just one piece of wisdom with the world, what would it be?
It sounds cheesy…. But you just have to believe you can do great things. Nobody else is going to believe in you if you don’t.

7. What book(s) are you currently reading? I’m reading getting things done for teens. Recently I’ve been reading the kids version or the teen version of business books. Same content and ideas, but shorter and more to the point. Great life tip! I learned it from a friend.

8. Quote you (try to) live by?
You are the average of the 5 people closest to you.

9. Using one word, how would you describe yourself?

10. What is one random fact that most people don’t know about you?
I became an entrepreneur to figure out how to make enough money to travel around and see phish concerts.

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