Why your sex life may benefit from natural lube!
Do you use lube? Have you ever wondered why your sex life may benefit from lube? Curious about whether or not “natural” brands actually work and/or if you can use coconut oil as lube? Trust me, you’re not alone. I can’t tell you how many times women have timidly asked me these questions.
Are you under the impression that lubricants are solely meant for post-menopausal women? Well, think again! Whether you’re post-menopausal or not, incorporating natural lubricant into your sexual repertoire could be a game-changer for your sex life.
In a study conducted by Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute, researchers asked 2,500 women to assess their sexual experiences both with and without the use of lubricants. The results were crystal clear: the inclusion of lubrication significantly enhanced the pleasure of sex. And from what I’ve gathered, it appears these women might be onto something!
Did you know that the amount of vaginal lubrication your body produces can vary depending on your menstrual cycle phase? Typically, women tend to experience less lubrication during their follicular phase (the phase following menstruation) and during the second week of their luteal phase (the week right before menstruation). This dryness is partly attributed to the decline in sex hormone levels during these phases, including estrogen, the hormone responsible for vaginal lubrication, as noted by women’s hormone expert Alisa Vitti.
Furthermore, the International Society For Sexual Medicine suggests that vaginal dryness can occur during menopause, breastfeeding (post-pregnancy), chemotherapy, or breast cancer therapy. Sometimes, women simply desire more lubrication than their bodies naturally provide.
Throughout our lives, we undergo phases of increased or decreased vaginal lubrication production. Regrettably, insufficient lubrication can lead to discomfort and even painful intercourse. Thankfully, there’s a straightforward solution to alleviate such discomfort – natural lubricant! (Psst…make sure to check out my guide 10 Natural Lubricants to Help Make Intimacy More Pleasurable)
In this episode, we’ll dive into the art of selecting natural lubricants, offering insights into what to look for. We’ll explore the distinctions between water-based, oil-based, and silicone-based lubricants, shed light on ingredients to steer clear of and why, delve into interesting historical facts about lubricants, and much more!
So, without further ado, press play now.
Why your sex life may benefit from natural lube!
Do you use lube? Have you ever wondered why your sex life may benefit from lube? Curious about whether or not “natural” brands actually work and/or if you can use coconut oil as lube? Trust me, you’re not alone. I can’t tell you how many times women have timidly asked me these questions.
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Podcast Episode Resources:
- Effect of Vaginal Lubricants on Natural Fertility
- International Society for Sexual Medicine: What is Lubricant
- University of Michigan Health System (UMHS)
- FDA: Premarket Notification 510(k)
- FDA Approved vs FDA Cleared
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